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At Grandview Medical Center, we care for women at every stage of life. Whether you're suffering from a gynecological issue or expecting your first child, you can look forward to quality care right here in Birmingham.
We offer advanced imaging technology, including 3D mammography and other diagnostic screenings, to help your doctor detect health concerns faster.
Gynecological issues require special care. When surgery is needed, the surgeons at Grandview Medical Center offer minimally invasive procedures that may offer more benefits to patients than traditional surgery.
Whether you're becoming a new parent or adding to your family, our new birthing center provides the comforts of home in an advanced hospital setting.
Grandview Medical Center's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) provides around-the-clock care for newborns that need extra care.
Each month, the prenatal education team will meet with expecting parents to go over the ins and outs of childbirth.
Grandview Medical Center was named a winner in the Birmingham Parents 2023 Family Favorites contest. Readers chose Grandview Medical Center for "Favorite Birthing Suites." Congratulations to all of the Grandview team members involved in making the patient and family experience one to be recognized.