Pre-registration is not available for the emergency department.
Your physician can make arrangements for your procedure or admission prior to your arrival. You may be called at home to obtain needed information, or your physician may schedule you for pre-admission testing. You may pre-register up to 14 days prior to your surgery.
To complete registration, please bring your:
- Insurance card
- Social Security number
- Driver's license
Pre-admission testing is conducted on the 4th floor of the hospital Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you did not pre-register for your stay, you will need to register upon your arrival to the hospital. If your insurance coverage cannot be verified at admission, you may be requested to make a deposit or wait until verification can be obtained.
To register, please bring your:
- Insurance card
- Social Security number
- Driver's license
- List of current medications, including dosage and frequency
Please do not bring any medication with you to the hospital. Ask your physician or nurse any questions you may have about your medications.
Advance Directives
If you have a living will or advance directive, please bring a copy to the hospital to be placed in your medical record at the time of registration. Should you have any questions, please contact the case management department at (205) 971-1654.
All patients are admitted to Grandview Medical Center without regard to race, creed, color, sex, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, economic status, educational background, or the source of payment for care.